Friday, November 22, 2013

Tangible Hope... Named Bennet

We had the pleasure of hosting this handsome babe and his amazing parents for dinner Monday night.  And by "dinner" I mean we ordered pizza from Pizza Hutt. I'm 9 months pregnant... not Martha Stewart people!!
(He's a mover and a shaker if you can't tell from the picture.)
Bennet is 10 months old and should be the poster child for successful transposition surgery.  I can't even begin to tell you the amount of hope and encouragement this family has provided us since the moment Helen DeVos Children's Hospital connected our two families. Let it be said - no matter what crap life throws at you - it's helpful to find someone that's been through that same crap ahead of you and has successfully and triumphantly come out the other side.
Bennet's heart defect wasn't detected prior to his birth - so when he came out blue and continued to stay that way you can only imagine how these parents must have felt.  While we know the days ahead are likely to be emotionally charged -- We are thankful for the plan that is in place and the 3 months of prayers that have been said for our sweet little guy (or perhaps gal.)
Bennet was even willing to show us his scar. If you didn't know he had open heart surgery at 10 days old you probably wouldn't give the scar a second look. Obviously, the scar is the least of Bry and I worries, but it was nice to see minimal damage to that glorious baby skin.
Bry fell for Bennet hook, line and sinker...
After Josh, Nicole and Bennet left Bry said "Do you think our kid will be as cute and fun as Bennet??" Oh dear husband... I certainly hope so!!!
In the picture of Nicole, Bennet and I - I resemble Free Willy so we are purposely leaving that out of this post. 9 months pregnant isn't flattering for anyone, right?

And now a funny story from the office of Dr. Marcotte. 
I was talking with a mom and teenage boy about the baby names we've picked out.  When I told the teen our 'girl name' he promptly said "oh I love that name too - it's what we named our pygmy goat." I couldn't help but laugh! The old me might have run home and told Bry we needed to change our girl name. She can't share her name with a goat, can she?? The new me doesn't give a crap and loves the name no matter what!!
Betcha wanna know our girl name huh... stay tuned!!

And just incase there was any doubt about how special this baby is -- the odds of being born with transposition of the great arteries is 1 in 4000 or that of flipping a coin 12 times and each time it landing on heads. 

T-minus 4 days till our actual due date!!

Let the prayers rise!!