Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Happy Heart Month!!

Welcome to Congenital Heart Awareness Week and all things heart month!! I hope everyone wore red in support on Friday!! Pippi sure did!!

Thanks to Kennedy and Blake for sporting their CHD Awareness shirts for Piper. Precious!! 

We spend our days cuddling at home... Occasionally doing a load of laundry and returning a phone call. We did pay our debts to Spectrum yesterday!! We don't want our favorite peeps not to get a paycheck because we didn't pay!! And don't tell Spectrum this... But we would have paid a heck of a lot more for the outcome we got!!

Tuesday we ventured out for a lab draw. Our beloved Jen is now 4 for 4 on hitting little P. We are SO thankful for Jen!! Need I remind everyone of our hospital experience? Insert Mama Kelli tears here!!

Spectrum had their speedy pants on yesterday -- I already got a call with the results!! She's been off the antibiotic for 8 days and things continue to look great!! No sign the infection is rerearing (like that word? I made it up!!) its ugly head!! Woot woot!! Thank you Jesus!!

Last Wednesday Piper was introduced to her cousins Rowan and Addison!! Christmas is going to be trouble this year!! Don't tell the Grandmas, but I'm already keeping my eyes peeled for matching outfits!! 

Piper & Addison 2 months. Rowan 4 months. 

And now random snapshots from the week gone by...

Grandpa Piper and Piper watching Jay Leno's last show. Not sure who looks more intrigued!! And I think they both cried at the end! We're all sad to see Jay go!!

It was Uncle Keith's birthday on Sunday. We ventured out with this little cupcake!! (Take note of the hat! Thank you Rach! You so talented!!)

Tummy time is getting better. And by "better" I mean she doesn't cry the WHOLE time she's on her belly!! Progress!!

Shirt says "Mommy's Tweet Heart!" So fitting!!

And now a video that is sure to melt your heart. This little gem is so in love with Piper and she hasn't even met her yet!! Cambry Renee we love you and thank you for your prayers!! Piper can't wait to come and play nativity with you!!


Let the spring come soon, we ALL stay heart healthy prayers rise!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Hello 2 Month Check Up...

There were days this fall when satan had such a hold of me that I couldn't picture "Baby O" having a 2 month check up. I hate satan!! He is the devil!! Oh wait... He REALLY is the devil!!

I wish I could have gotten a glimpse of this picture 5 months ago. It would have  provided such reassurance... I suppose this is where faith and trust come into play.

If that look doesn't say "I love my pediatrician," I don't know what does!!
(Can you say Baby Whisperer? She has never smiled that big for us!!)

The visit went GREAT! Although she would probably disagree... There's nothing really great about 4 pokes in the leg. (No hard feelings Barbara and Amanda!!) Dr Marcotte suggested breaking them up - doing two now and two next week - but mommy and daddy said she's a tough cookie and could handle all 4!!

Pippi continues to gain weight beautifully.
Her new total is 10# 14oz. She is in the 50th percentile for weight and height!! Hooray for average!!

Just a little check of the throat... And a group picture and we were on our way!!

Thanks Marcotte Family!! We love you!!