Monday, February 4, 2019

Heart Month 2019

We don't take for granted the fact that it has been a year since we last used the blog as a way to update the latest about Piper's heart. It feels like yesterday that we were updating daily with prayer requests and praises.  We are abundantly thankful for a quiet and uneventful year in terms of Piper's heart health. #toGodbetheglory

In December we paid another visit to Dr Lee. After a quick photo shoot we colored while waiting to be called back.

For anyone keeping track - yes, she has worn hearts to every single Dr. Lee visit since the beginning of time! Riding that train as long as her sweet buns will let me!! #sayitloudwearitproud
It wouldn't be a Piper echo if we didn't watch the first 30 minutes of Finding Dory and have a ring pop.

 Then we waited for the big man himself AND took more pictures.

This year's vibe was different. Same friendly smile - but almost immediately Dr. Lee started drawing a picture of her heart! That's when I knew something was up. No one has drawn us a picture of her heart since the VERY EARLY DAYS!! I was waiting to hear Dr Haw get paged to our exam room as I attempted to choke back tears. 

In the end the story is this! Heart function is good! No change from previous echoes. However, her left ventricle has grown! He said that upon looking at the images he couldn't tell it had grown - but because everything gets measured from visit to visit, he noticed an increase.

After what felt like an hour of explanation, we ended on the note of "this is something we will watch, it's mild, let's see you back in a year." #GLORY

In the end, Dr Haw wasn't paged - so we will call it a good visit. All good visits are celebrated with Panera Bread.

Letting the prayers for a left ventricle that slows its roll - in the growth, not function department!! 

 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20